Captain’s Blog

Card of the Week: King of Cups
What is a man, but that lofty spirit, that sense of enterprise, that devotion to something that cannot be sensed, cannot be realised but only dreamed, the highest reality!

Card of the Week: Nine of Rods
It is said that experience is the best teacher. But that experience may be hard-earned. An ancient Hindu proverb suggests that no physician is really good until he has killed one or two patients.

Card of the Week: Four of Coins
It is said that those who love money will never have enough, and are never satisfied. The real measure of your wealth is how much you’d be worth if you lost all your money.

Card of the Week: The World
All things, both good and bad, eventually reach an end. The tales most worth recording and retelling are the tales that reach the most memorable and satisfying conclusions.

Card of the Week: Knight of Rods
Learning is an act of exploration. The eternal quest for knowledge may seem difficult at times, but that can lure the mind to the pursuit and discovery of deeper findings.

Card of the Week: Eight of Blades
When stressed, sometimes the best thing you can do is to not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just stay calm, breathe, and have faith in the belief that everything will eventually work out.

Card of the Week: The Tower
The only constant in life is change. But sometimes an unexpected and seemingly catastrophic change can occur suddenly, with little or no warning, like a proverbial bolt from the blue.

Card of the Week: Page of Coins
Perseverance is laudable, but perseverance must have some practical goal, or it does not avail the one possessing it. A person without a practical end in view will struggle to accomplish anything of worth.

Card of the Week: The Emperor
Leadership comes in many forms. A good leader balances the need to guide followers in a new direction with the importance of also guarding the welfare of those followers.

Card of the Week: The Empress
Maternity is all about being fully alive. It is a period of growing, transition, and of new beginnings in the journey of life. All of humanity has been conceived, born and nourished of women.

Card of the Week: Death
The only constant in life is change. The ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “No man ever steps in the same river twice.” And sometimes a small change can tip the redirection of an entire river.

Card of the Week: The Magician
Arthur C. Clarke famously once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” And yet, knowing how the magic works doesn’t necessarily diminish its wonder.

Card of the Week: Seven of Rods
Whether as kids playing king-of-the-hill, as adults maneuvering for business or political gain, or in outright combat, it is important to hold your ground and defend your gains.

Card of the Week: The Wheel of Fortune
The universe is always changing. Karma is a Sanscrit word meaning “action,” tied to the belief that changes occur in cosmic cycles, and the idea that everything in the universe happens for a reason.

Card of the Week: Three of Rods
Energy put into important undertakings may sometimes require patience and trust to pay off. The world wasn’t built in a day, and long-term goals need the same perseverance.

Card of the Week: The Devil
Fear and ignorance are powerful forces that drive many people to do extreme things. Digging through to understand hidden underlying reasons is often a vital first step to changing such situations.

Card of the Week: The Hanged Man
During the Renaissance, a petty thief might be shamed in a public stockade. A nobleman who broke a business deal might be shamed by being publicly dangled inverted, or even just painted as such.

Card of the Week: Six of Rods
Following in the wake of the sometimes chaotic dynamics of a large group operation, a single leader may need to emerge to gather support and help the group coalesce around a common goal.

Card of the Week: King of Rods
Napoleon Bonaparte once said, “Great ambition is the passion of a great character. Those endowed with it may perform very good or very bad acts. All depends on the principles which direct them.”

Card of the Week: The Hierophant
When seeking knowledge, always be aware of its source. A school, a church, a professional speaker, a guru or just a friend, even if their information is correct, may have a larger agenda.