Card of the Week: Knight of Rods
Learning is an act of exploration. The eternal quest for knowledge may seem difficult at times, but that can lure the mind to the pursuit and discovery of deeper findings.
The Knight of Rods is dynamic and adventurous, committed to a personal quest but insistent on pursuing it alone. You, or someone you know, may be allowing an initial interest to grow into an all-consuming obsession. Spontaneity and even a little rebellion can have their place, but only when not allowed to blind their pursuers to other important aspects of life.
Inverted, this Knight is likely to charge into situations with reckless abandon, leaving disunity, discord and mayhem in his wake. A slower and more considered approach may be needed.
In “The Changeling” the Enterprise is attacked by a powerful but tiny alien spacecraft, which ceases its attack only after Captain Kirk sends a greeting message. The ship identifies itself as Nomad, and agrees to come aboard the Enterprise. It believes it was created by Kirk, and sent on a mission to seek biological infestations and destroy whatever is not perfect. Historical records are found of an old Earth probe Nomad that had been designed by Jackson Roykirk to seek out life in deep space. After further investigation, Spock discovers that the current Nomad is a fusion of the old Nomad with an alien probe Tan Ru that had been programmed to gather and sterilize soil samples. When Nomad is unwilling to change its programming, Kirk reveals its mistakes. Realizing itself to be imperfect, Nomad “sterilizes” itself and self-destructs.