Card of the Week: Two of Coins

To change the world, you must first change yourself.  To change yourself, you must change your mindset.  Take it day by day.  Results don’t come overnight.  Keep working towards your goals.

The Two of Coins suggests that an important change is in the air.  Strive for good balances between all practical matters, whether you find yourself juggling multiple relationships, business deals, or work versus home issues.  It is important to continue to maintain those balances while allowing them to grow.  Be patient and keep gathering information as you make your next steps forward.

Inverted, this card denotes communication issues.  Juggling too many things may lead to information overload, conflicting data, or mixed messages.  Try to maintain an objective perspective.

In “Turnabout Intruder”, the Enterprise responds to a distress call from an an archaeological expedition researching the remains of the dead civilization on planet Camus II.  Dr. Coleman claims that they have encounted an unexpected source of deadly radiation, but it is a ruse to allow the use of an ancient alien device to swap the personalities of Dr. Janice Lester and Captain Kirk.  In Kirk’s body, Dr. Lester takes command of the Enterprise, and plans to allow Kirk to die in her body.  Spock recognizes the switch and confirms it with a Vulcan mind-meld, but Lester-in-Kirk’s-body accuses him of mutiny and holds an onboard court martial.  The crew believe Spock, and they collectively refuse to obey their false captain.  Under Lester’s mounting stress, the tenuous personality swap eventually fails, restoring Kirk and Lester to their own bodies.


Card of the Week: The Aliens


Card of the Week: Ace of Coins