Card of the Week: Ace of Coins

Coins represent work, money, home, the physical and the material.  It is the suit of both available and potential support, regarding health, wealth, talent and growth.

The Ace of Coins signifies the importance of new beginnings, while underscoring the need to keep working toward further goals.  Whether in physical or financial matters, first steps are vital in any long-term plan toward security and fulfillment.  Examine all paths and weigh all alternatives, knowing that success can be yours if you take the responsibility for the work necessary to get there.

Inverted, this card warns of waste that can come from missed opportunities, squandered resources, or misspent time.  You have the tools and materials you need to succeed.  Use them wisely.

In “All Our Yesterdays”, the Enterprise visits the endangered planet Sarpeidon, whose sun is about to explode, only to find the entire population already nearly gone.  At an electronic library, they discover the last remaining inhabitant, the librarian Mr. Atoz, who assumes they are late arrivals seeking to avoid the coming supernova through careful choice and travel preparations for a device Mr. Atoz calls an Atavachron.  With no such preparations, members of the landing party inadvertently step through the Atavachron’s portal and find themselves transported to different periods in the planet’s history.  Kirk arrives in a pre-industrial age of superstition.  Spock and McCoy land even further back, in an ice age, where they meet Zarabeth.  They are eventually returned to the present by Mr. Atoz, who uses his own preparation to quickly make his escape.


Card of the Week: Two of Coins


Card of the Week: Five of Rods