Card of the Week: Seven of Coins

Patience is a virtue, but some choices have a time limit.  If our doubts keep us from making an important decision that may involve change, a great opportunity may be missed.

The Seven of Coins is about the dual nature of delay.  On the one hand, many worthwhile projects take time, such as financial investments that must mature or raising crops to literal fruition.  On the other hand, some opportunities are fleeting, and too much time spent weighing a potential decision may mean the option is lost.  Seek context to help decide which is appropriate.

Inverted, this card points to worry and anxiety over potential loss.  But timing is still at issue here, so look to the larger picture to see if there is more danger in impatience or procrastination.

In “The Galileo Seven” the Enterprise is en route to deliver needed medical supplies to New Paris in two days, but has time to launch its shuttle Galileo with seven crewmembers Latimer, Mears, Scott, Gaetano, McCoy, Boma and Spock to study the quasar-like formation Murasaki 312.  Its radiation pulls the shuttle off course, and the shuttle makes an emergency landing on planet Taurus II deep within the Murasaki effect.  The same radiation blocks the Enterprise’s sensors, slowing the search for the lost shuttle.  On the planet, the shuttle crew fends off attacks by giant ape-like creatures.  Latimer and Gaetano are killed before repairs are sufficient to just launch the shuttle into a brief low orbit.  In desperation, Spock dumps the shuttle’s remaining fuel and ignites it to create a flare-like trail the Enterprise can easily see, and they are rescued just in time.


Card of the Week: Justice


Card of the Week: King of Coins