Card of the Week: Five of Coins

Into all lives, some rain must fall.  It is impossible to completely avoid all adversity.  Even death is inevitable.  But how we deal with death is at least as important as how we deal with life.

The Five of Coins represents worry, fear, anxiety, insecurity, rejection and alienation.  It is a card of trouble and difficult times, primarily regarding financial matters and loss of money, but also in personal matters such as loss of power or position.  Take care that the worry over a potential difficulty does not become more problematic than the reality of the actual difficulty.

Inverted, this card underscores the importance of persistence through adversity.  View current setbacks as temporary and look for the best opportunities to reverse them.

In “The Corbomite Maneuver” the Enterprise encounters an alien space buoy that warns the ship to stay away.  When the buoy begins to emit dangerous radiation, the Enterprise is forced to destroy it before moving on.  The Enterprise is then approached by the massive alien First Federation flagship Fesarius, which accuses the Enterprise of aggressively trespassing into its space, then traps the Enterprise and threatens to destroy it.  Spock taps into Fesarius transmissions to reveal a fearsome image of its Commander Balok.  The Fesarius dispatches a smaller ship to tow the Enterprise.  After the Enterprise breaks free and Balok sends a faint transmission for help, the Enterprise returns to offer assistance.  The fearsome Balok is revealed to be only a puppet, part of the real Balok’s plan to test the Enterprise’s true intentions.


Card of the Week: Three of Cups


Card of the Week: Ace of Cups