Card of the Week: Ace of Cups

Cups represent the deep inner workings of emotion, intuition, the subconscious and the psychic.  It is the suit of fantasy and feelings, imagination and love.

The Ace of Cups indicates intuition when it is at its most important, such as at the start of a new relationship or romance, or the exploration of inner strength.  It represents a boundless depth of heart and soul, healing and support, from within and from others.  Your emotional cup runneth over.  Look for displays of affection, both overt and subtle, and be open to new possibilities.

Inverted, this card implies emotional instability.  New limits may be forming on existing relationships, or old issues resurfacing.  Be wary of insincerity or other attempts at emotional manipulation.

In “Where No Man Has Gone Before” the Enterprise follows the trail of the SS Valiant, a ship lost two centuries earlier near the galactic edge.  The Enterprise encounters an energy barrier which damages the ship but boosts the mental capacity of several of its crew.  While they stop for repairs at planet Delta Vega, Lieutenant Gary Mitchell’s telekinetic powers grow increasingly dangerous and he begins to threaten the others.  Doctor Elizabeth Dehner also begins to demonstrate telekinetic skills, but sees her new powers as a potential benefit for humanity.  She initially teams up with Mitchell on the planet’s surface, where they explore their new powers.  When Mitchell begins to proclaim himself a god and prepares to kill Kirk, Dehner uses her powers to help stop Mitchell.  Although they both die from the fight, Dehner’s actions save Kirk and the Enterprise.


Card of the Week: Five of Coins


Card of the Week: The Alien