Card of the Week: Three of Blades

Many people ask to be forgiven for their actions, or to be forgiven for their tempers, or even to be forgiven for their thoughts.  But people rarely ask to be forgiven for their sadness.

The Three of Blades evokes heartbreak and sorrow.  It may be grief over the loss of something or someone important to you, the emotional pain of the breakup of a significant relationship, or the ache of yearning for something unattainable.  It is important to work through these feelings without dismissing them perfunctorily, but there also comes a time for the need to move on.

Inverted, this card suggests there may be some confusion over the nature of the problem at hand.  Rather than its actual cause or resolution, pain may come merely from the arguments over it.

In “That Which Survives”, the Enterprise is just beginning to explore a small planet but is abruptly hurled light years away.  A mysterious woman begins appearing to lone members of the landing party stranded on the planet, and to random crew members on the ship.  She expresses sadness, but kills with a touch then disappears.  The Enterprise’s engines begin to run uncontrollably, until Spock identifies a flaw in the process that had flung the ship away from the planet, and Mr. Scott repairs it.  The Enterprise returns just in time to save the remaining landing party by destroying the planet’s defense computer, which had been creating projections of the only outpost member still alive when it had been activated.  In a final recording, she reveals that her ancient Kalandan civilization was dying from a plague, and identifies herself as Losira.


Card of the Week: Five of Cups


Card of the Week: Eight of Rods