Card of the Week: The Star

In the calm that follows a storm, opportunities may arise that were previously impractical.  Beyond the vital short-term cleanup work, keep an eye out for ways to make major long-term improvements.

The Star card symbolizes hope in its purest form.  No matter what your situation is, it suggests you approach it through honesty and optimism.  Your own self-esteem can join and be boosted by your faith in others.  You could be the star, and act with calm certainty and grace.  This may be a good time to direct your energies toward starting a large-scale project.  Your faith will be rewarded.

Inverted, this card conveys uncertainty.  Expectations may remain unfulfilled, and hope may seem futile.  Approach this as a temporary situation, and look for ways to turn it around.

In “Return to Tomorrow”, the Enterprise investigates an alien signal leading to an uncharted dead planet.  A voice invites Kirk, Spock, Dr. McCoy and Dr. Ann Mulhall to transport down to a deep subterranean chamber.  They find a glowing sphere containing the remaining life essence of Sargon, an alien whose body had died a half million years earlier but whose mind remained active to probe nearby space in hope of eventually finding others.  Sargon briefly inhabits Kirk’s body, and leads them to a vault with many spheres dark but two still active: Thalassa and Henoch.  Sargon asks to borrow Kirk, Spock and Mulhall’s bodies to help them build new permanent android bodies.  Henoch attempts to sabotage Sargon’s android, but is caught and killed.  Sargon and Thalassa choose to move on together as pure energy, without android bodies.


Card of the Week: Five of Blades


Card of the Week: Ten of Blades