Card of the Week: The High Priestess

Knowledge is knowing what to say.  Wisdom is knowing when to say it.  Each, by itself, is a valuable attribute.  Together, they are even more powerful.

The High Priestess represents wisdom.  What might appear to some as mysterious intuition may in reality be the result of drawing on deep life-long reserves of knowledge and experience, hidden courage, strength from within.  This card might suggest that you are seeking understanding from someone, or being asked to offer your guidance, or on a path of introspection and self-discovery. 

An inverted High Priestess may be experiencing unwanted distance or isolation.  Self-knowledge and wisdom can be blocked, intuition hampered by superficiality, shallowness or ignorance.

In “For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky”, the Enterprise intercepts a two-hundred-mile wide asteroid a year out from a collision with the populated planet Daran Five.  The asteroid’s inhabitants call their world Yonada, not knowing that they live inside an asteroid functioning as a spaceship that will take many generations to reach its final destination.  Their leader, the High Priestess Natira, is the only one who knows of their journey.  McCoy learns that their Oracle room contains ancient books of knowledge, to be opened only at their journey’s completion.  Spock finds that the Oracle’s writings are Fabrini, an ancient civilization that perished when its sun went nova.  Over the strident objections of both Natira and the Oracle, Spock opens their books, and helps Mr. Scott repair their drive to return Yonada to its proper course.


Card of the Week: King of Blades


Card of the Week: The Chariot