Card of the Week: Ten of Cups

Never regret a day in your life.  Good days can give happiness, but even bad days can build experience.  Worst days can still offer lessons, while best days can create cherished memories.

The Ten of Cups represents optimism and high expectations.  It could flow from the excitement of a new situation and the new boundless opportunities available, or wrap itself in the comfort and familiarity of long friendships, affection, family, stability and compatibility.  Look around and view your surroundings through the eyes of enthusiasm, idealism and wonder.

Inverted, this card suggest an irritation that needs to be kept in its proper perspective.  Keep an eye on the bigger picture, and don’t let a minor delay, setback or family quabble ruin it.

In “Tomorrow is Yesterday” the Enterprise has encountered an uncharted black star and been thrown back in time.  Arriving at Earth in 1969, the Enterprise is mistaken for a UFO and pursued by a US Air Force jet.  Kirk orders a tractor beam to hold off the jet’s close approach, but the beam destroys the jet and Kirk must save its pilot, Captain John Christopher, by having him transported  to the Enterprise.  At first, Kirk will not allow Christopher to return to Earth to report on the future tech he has seen, until Spock learns that Christopher must be returned to keep Earth history from being changed.  Spock computes a time-slingshot trajectory that initially takes the Enterprise briefly back in time a few hours, enough for Christopher to be returned to his jet before it is damaged, then propels the Enterprise all the way back to its correct timeframe.


Card of the Week: The Hierophant


Card of the Week: Six of Blades