Card of the Week: Ten of Coins

One secret of success is to stop focusing on what you do not have and shift your consciousness to an appreciation for all that you do have.  Live a life of positivity and you will have a life of prosperity.

The Ten of Coins signifies affluence in abundance, whether as part of a long legacy of inheritance or from more recent personal accomplishments.  It could be in the form of a sudden windfall, as a long-term growing accumulation of benefits, or in a non-financial but still tangible form such as a stable home environment or the security of solid relationships.  Enjoy your good fortune.

Inverted, this card warns of a possible dissipation of that good fortune.  Steady income may dwindle, savings may shrink, friends or family relationships may become precarious.  Value what you have.

In “The Trouble with Tribbles” the Enterprise is summoned to Deep Space Station K-7 to guard a shipment of quadrotriticale, a special grain designed to thrive on the contested Sherman’s Planet to prove the Federation more capable of its development than the Klingon Empire.  A traveling salesman, Cyrano Jones, brings many wares to the station, including small furry tribbles, which are friendly to most people but screech at visiting Klingons.  The tribbles, breeding unchecked, begin to overrun the Enterprise and the station.  When Kirk finds tribbles in the grain storage, McCoy discovers that some of them had been poisoned by something in the grain.  A screeching tribble exposes a Klingon spy on the station who had sabotaged the grain.  A fresh shipment is routed to Sherman’s Planet, and Jones is tasked with clearing the station of all tribbles.


Card of the Week: Six of Coins


Card of the Week: King of Cups