Card of the Week: Six of Cups

Some people briefly come into our lives and quickly go.  Some stay for a while longer.  No matter what time was spent together, some leave footprints on our hearts.  And we are never, ever the same.

The Six of Cups represents friendship and sharing, innocence and kindness, optimism and a willingness to learn.  It suggests acts of charity and good will, that things will improve as we advance together in knowledge and understanding.  In times of strife, even with no overt acts, the simple solace and support of friends can help build and maintain inner peace and strength.

Inverted, this card traditionally suggests the review of plans for coming events.  Some modern interpretations  look more to the past.  Either way, do not overlook the importance of the present.

In “Plato’s Stepchildren”, the Enterprise responds to a distress call from a group of aliens who escaped their Sahndaran supernova to a planet they call Platonius, after the teachings of the ancient human philosopher Plato.  The Platonian leader Parmen is ill, but is quickly healed by Dr. McCoy.  Kirk befriends the dwarf Alexander, the only Platonian without telekinetic powers.  Instead of showing gratitude, Parmen and the rest of the Platonians use their powers to imprison the Enterprise landing party, then to force them to perform humiliating acts for their own amusement.  Dr. McCoy discovers how a local substance called kironide has enabled the Platonians’ powers, and uses it to similarly boost their own powers.  Alexander refuses his own boost, yet still helps them to free themselves from the Platonians, and accepts Kirk’s offer to depart with them.


Card of the Week: Eight of Rods


Card of the Week: King of Blades