Card of the Week: Queen of Rods

With self-confidence, you can reach truly amazing heights.  With no self-confidence, even the simplest accomplishments can remain beyond your grasp.

The Queen of Rods is the exemplar of confidence and passion, a strong and determined leader who remains personable, yet still committed to the larger goal.  A natural manager, she can inspire teamwork and boost morale with her infectious energy and even join in hard work.  But don’t expect sentimentality or sympathy in difficult times that call for her to make tough decisions.

Inverted, this Queen may be driven by a rivalry.  She remains a strong leader, but her decisions may be colored by external factors, appearing erratic to outsiders.  Look for supportive ways to connect.

In “The Enterprise Incident”, Captain Kirk, acting seemingly without authority from Starfleet, orders the Enterprise to cross the Romulan neutral zone and enter Romulan space.  Despite the ship’s scanners showing nothing ahead, three Romulan ships suddenly appear and surround the Enterprise.  The Romulan Commander brings Kirk and Spock to her ship to accuse Kirk of espionage.  Kirk initially blames a navigational error.  Spock reveals the true cause, Kirk’s erratic behavior.  In a rage, Kirk attacks Spock, who defends himself with a “Vulcan death grip” that apparently kills Kirk.  But it is a ruse, allowing the now-believed-dead Kirk to sneak into the engineering area of the Romulan ship and steal a key component of their advanced new cloaking system.  Mr. Scott manages to connect it to the Enterprise, and they use it to escape.


Card of the Week: Seven of Cups


Card of the Week: The Lovers