Card of the Week: Queen of Coins

“I trust you” is a better compliment than “I love you”, because you may not always trust the person you love, but you can always love the person you trust.

The Queen of Coins is a person you can always trust, someone to turn to for advice and encouragement.  Practical and wise, with solid good sense and boundless problem solving energy, she may not be overtly entrepreneurial herself, and may choose to wield her power indirectly, through educating, healing, crisis management or charity.  She enjoys her work, her position, and the good she brings.

Inverted, this Queen views others with suspicion.  Her status and security may be more important to her than her good works.  She may help others, but only when it serves her own interests.

In “Journey to Babel”, the Enterprise is transporting over a hundred Federation delegates and ambassadors to a vital council meeting on the neutral planet Babel, including Vulcan ambassador Sarek and his human wife Amanda, who are also Spock’s father and mother.  Amanda delights McCoy with stories from Spock’s youth.  During the trip, the Enterprise contends with delegate fights, the murder of an ambassador, Sarek suffering a heart attack, Captain Kirk wounded in a knife assault, and sporadic attacks by a small but fast unknown alien ship.  Despite Amanda’s pleas, Spock refuses to donate blood for an operation to save Sarek while Kirk is in Sickbay.  Kirk pretends to be well, resumes command on the bridge, orders Spock to Sickbay to save Sarek, then stays long enough to defeat the alien ship before returning to Sickbay to complete his own recovery.


Card of the Week: Strength


Card of the Week: Six of Coins