Card of the Week: Page of Cups

How can you tell an infatuation from a true first love?  Your first love may be the sweetest, yet the first cut will be the deepest.  A first love doesn’t have to be perfect.  It just needs to be honest.

The Page of Cups is a young card, full of affection, sympathy and charm, willing to cooperate, eager to please.  It could represent another who looks up to you and wishes to be helpful.  Or it could represent you, and suggest there is a situation in your life which needs more of your care and attention.  Look for opportunities to give, receive or share good will and harmony.

Inverted, this card cautions of the vulnerability that can come from opening up in the wrong situation.  Remember how it hurts to be spurned yourself, and be careful not to do it to others.

In “Miri” the Enterprise follows an old-style automated distress signal to a distant planet that initially appears to be another Earth.  A landing party finds a city in ruins, empty except for wild gangs of children in hiding.  A local girl, Miri, befriends Kirk and leads him to a building with old science and medical records.  Three hundred years earlier, experiments in a life prolongation project had instead released a plague that swept across the planet and killed every adult.  Children remained, physically aging only a month for each century of real time, but still susceptible to the disease on entering puberty.  The members of the Enterprise landing party quickly start showing signs of infection.  Despite initially difficult encounters with other wild children, Miri eventually helps Kirk win their trust.  Spock and McCoy create a vaccine to halt the disease and reverse its effects.


Card of the Week: King of Coins


Card of the Week: Four of Cups