Card of the Week: Knight of Blades

The author Christan Nestell Bovee once wrote, “The method of the enterprising is to plan with audacity, and execute with vigor; to sketch out a map of possibilities, then to treat them as probabilities.”

The Knight of Blades is the personification of audacity, acting with apparent fearlessness and daring.  However, such actions may mask underlying uncertainty or insecurity.  There are times that may benefit from being assertive and quick to act, but do not be too hasty in overlooking other views that might render your actions to your disadvantage in the long run.

Inverted, this knight might be tilting at the wrong windmills entirely, passionate and fixated but recklessly blind to the error, resulting in a complete incapacity to reach any truly useful goal.

In “The Squire of Gothos” the Enterprise encounters a rogue planet, far from any star and apparently lifeless, yet Sulu and Kirk suddenly vanish from the bridge.  A small landing party beams down to a suddenly inhabitable area, and are welcomed by Trelane to the planet he calls Gothos.  After Spock beams them all back to the ship, Trelane blinks the entire bridge crew down to his home, which he claims to have fashioned after his telescopic hobby studies of Earth, apparently not accounting for a nine-hundred-year time difference.  Trelane uses unknown powers to first block the crew from leaving his party, then chase the fleeing Enterprise with his entire planet, then play a cat-and-mouse-like chase with Kirk alone.  Eventually Trelane’s energy-being parents intercede to stop Trelane and release them all, apologizing for Trelane’s childish behavior.


Card of the Week: Ace of Rods


Card of the Week: Page of Blades