Card of the Week: Judgement

An ancient Turkish proverb speaks of the tiny sound of a gnat as sufficient to a person of good judgement, while to one who lacks good judgement the sound of an entire orchestra is of no help.

The Judgement card is about evaluation.  You may be facing a major reckoning for something consequential that you have done, or merely receiving feedback on a minor act.  You might be asked to render advice to someone else, or this could be an opportunity for important self-evaluation.  Regardless of its scope or direction, be careful to pay attention to details.

Inverted, this card suggests an aversion to assessment, even when it may be helpful.  Don’t be hasty to dismiss what could turn out to be constructive criticism.

In “Spectre of the Gun”, the Enterprise has been ordered to contact a mysterious telepathic race, the Melkot.  On entering their space, the ship is briefly stopped by a space buoy that transmits a message warning them to turn back, but Kirk presses on and joins the group that beams down to the planet.  A Melkotian apparition pronounces that they are to be punished for disregarding their warning, and that Kirk’s history will be used for the patterns of their deaths.  The landing party find themselves in a fragmented recreation of a nineteenth-century American frontier town, cast as characters destined to die in an upcoming gunfight.  Spock uses a Vulcan mind meld to help the others believe the unreality of the illusion and to not die from the gunfire.  The Melkotians reappraise the crew, and offer instead to meet them with a formal delegation.


Card of the Week: Queen of Blades


Card of the Week: Eight of Coins