Card of the Week: Four of Blades

There is a difference between loneliness and solitude: one will empty you, and one will fill you.  Only in solitude can the gentle voice of wisdom be heard and appreciated.

The Four of Blades suggests the need for seclusion, a rest, a time out from a busy schedule, a retreat to a place of quiet solutide, peace and serenity.  This could relate to an act of meditation and introspection, rest while recuperating from an illness, regrouping for a coming challenge, or even just catching up on overdue sleep.  A break from stress can help recharge your mental batteries.

Inverted, this card represents a potential recovery.  Perhaps an illness may be receding, a stressful relationship may  be resolving, or a troublesome business situation closing.  But remain cautious.

In “The Lights of Zetar”, a strange space storm of pulsing colored lights sweeps across the Enterprise, temporarily affecting different areas of each crew member’s brain.  When the lights reach the library planetoid Memory Alpha, they kill its entire staff before continuing on.  One staff member manages to briefly speak in an unknown garbled language before dying of brain injuries.  When the lights return to the Enterprise, they possess Lieutenant Mira Romaine.  They explain that they are the remaining hundred spirits from the long-dead planet Zetar, seeking a living body through which to resume their own lives.  They have selected Lt. Romaine as the most compatible, and begin to modify her nervous system to further meet their needs.  Kirk places Lt. Romaine in an isolation chamber where high pressure eventually drives out the Zetarians.


Card of the Week: The Sun


Card of the Week: Nine of Cups